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Scenic route on the North part of Zakynthos

A guided tour of northern Zakynthos.

Starting from the city we head to the villages Planos, Tragaki, Kipseli (Belousi) and Gerakaria. It is worth visiting the picturesque Ano Gerakario with Agios Nikolaos Anemodouris, a church built on top of the hill with an amphitheatrical view. The area was said to have impressed the Empress of Austria-Hungary Sissi and wanted to build her holiday home there, which was eventually built in Corfu (Achilleion).

Continuing, we pass through the area of Xechoriatis and we reach the area of Alykanas and Alykes, where the pans that made salt, the homonymous saltpans, are located. Today it is an important habitat with rare aquatic birds.

From the area of Alykes starts the road to Xigia beach, which has taken its name from the thermal sulfur spills in the water gushing from the rock. Continuing, we pass by Makry Gialos, a pebble beach with crystal clear green waters, and by the area of Agia Thekla and the very picturesque settlement of Mikro Nisi. 

Moving north we reach the port of Agios Nikolaos Volimon, a bay where many yachts dock. From there a ferry to Kefalonia is connecting the two islands during the summer months.

After Agios Nikolaos we head to the village of Korithi and reach the northernmost point of Zakynthos, Cape Skinari, which is a lighthouse for the seafarers. From this point, as well as from the port of Agios Nikolaos, boats depart for the Navagio beack (aka Shipwreck).

Returning to the settlement of Korithi, we head towards the large mountain village of Volimes, three united settlements, quite picturesque, with many stone houses.

We continue south to the Holy Monastery of Agios Georgios Gkremnon, a monastery with a long tradition, which after restoration works is an architectural jewel of monastic architecture. In the area of Palaios Agios Giorgis there was a retreat, practiced by the Patron of Kaefalonia Agios Gerasimos. Below the Monastery of Agios Georgios, there is a road that leads to a platform that one can see the bay of the “Navagio” from above. 

Then, we reach the village of Anafonitria or Plemonari, a name given for the rare dry climate of Zakynthos, thermal for people who previously had tuberculosis. There is the monastery of the same name, where Agios Dionysios practiced asceticism. During his stay there, Agios Dionysios, aka Draganigos Sigouros, Archimandrite, Abbot and former Archbishop of Aegina, forgave the murderer of his brother, who fled chased by the soldiers. The event has been uniquely captured by Andreas Martzokis in the poem "The Goumenos tis Anafonitras".

From Anafonitria also starts a road that goes to Porto Vromi, as well as from Maries. From Porto Vromi is the shortest route to go by boat to the Navagio-Shipwreck beach.

Returning from Anafonitria to Katastari, we find a road leading to the picturesque and isolated settlement of Orthonies.

The way back brings us back to Katastari, which if we choose the eastern route we will pass through Alykanas, Kato Gerakario and Kalipado or if we choose the main road of the national road Katastari - Zakynthos, we will pass through the villages Skoulikado, with its towering bells, Agios Dimitrios, with its large square, Agios Kirikas, with its many flower nurseries and Sarakinado, with its winter theatre and rich cultural presence.

The direct road that follows leads us to the city, through a route with large shops.
