One of the most famous products of the island was the famous "Bismardaina's Bootra", whose fame went beyond the island's borders and was even reaching foreign markets.
They were made by Sophia Visvardi and her descendants and many times they had been honoured with remarkable prizes, and their photo adorned the paper with their brand.
The label on the back of the box read: " . . . powder made by science holds the first place in its kind and is preferred throughout the world
of the highest nobility. When it is used, the face must be slightly moist. " The powder was made from rice, barley and various fruits.
The factory of Sophia Visvardi supplied the Royal Court and had taken part in the Paris World Fair (1889-1900), the 4th Olympic Exhibition of Athens (1888) and the 1st International Exhibition of Chania, Crete (1990).